

Posted on

Get zam-plugins now! ($0) zam-plugins is a collection of LV2/LADSPA/VST/JACK audio plugins for sound processing developed in-house at ZamAudio. The default settings and almost every slider is calibrated to standard ranges. Installation of lv2 is a manual process by unzipping the plugins and saving the bundle in a designated path. The paths are documented here […]


Overlap-save method of block convolution for fast convolution on audio streams.

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Let $$\mathbf{h}$$ be a vector of size $$P$$ containing the impulse response you wish to convolve with, and let $$\mathbf{x}$$ contain an unknown number of float values which is the input audio stream. Note that an FIR filter can be expressed as follows: $$FIR(x[n],\mathbf{h})=y[n]=\sum_{j=0}^{P-1}({x[n+j] \cdot h[j]})$$ By chopping up $$x[n]$$ into sections of length $$L$$, […]


Use your NVIDIA GPU as a DSP chip

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I have been working on a jack client that uses the GPU to process audio. The benefit of this is that it lightens the load off the CPU to process audio. I used the NVIDIA CUDA toolchain to create a jack-cuda client. Currently I have made a gain plugin that uses 256 parallel threads to […]